Business Travellers Brace for Liquid Limbo: 100ml Rule Lingers at Major UK Airports

James Dent
James Dent
Last Updated: 22 January 2024

Confusion and delays loom for frequent flyers as London’s Heathrow, Gatwick, and Manchester airports miss the deadline for installing advanced scanners that would lift the 100ml liquid ban.

Impact on Business Travellers:

  • Summer Disruption: The new rules won’t be in place until later this year or even next year, meaning business travellers packing for summer trips need to pack for the 100ml regime in some airports but not others. This mismatch could lead to:
    • Confusion and Delays: Passengers expecting no liquid restrictions could face last-minute scrambling at security, causing hold-ups and frustration.
    • Unnecessary Packing: Business travellers need to double-check specific airport rules to avoid packing tiny toiletries they won’t be able to carry through.

What to Expect:

  • Mixed Bag of Rules: Expect a patchwork of procedures across UK airports. Some smaller airports like Teesside and London City have already rolled out the new scanners, while major hubs like Heathrow, Gatwick, and Manchester will still be using the old system for months.
  • Clear Communication Crucial: To minimise disruption, airports need to communicate which rules apply at each location and update information regularly.

Travel Tips for Business Travellers:

  • Check Before You Pack: Always confirm the liquid restrictions at both your departure and arrival airports before packing.
  • Travel Light: Stick to the 100ml rule until you’re sure the new scanners are up and running at your chosen airports.
  • Be Patient: Expect longer security queues and potential delays, especially during peak travel times.
  • Stay Informed: Monitor airport websites and social media for updates on scanner rollout progress.

Looking Ahead:

While the missed deadline is inconvenient, the new scanners ultimately offer a welcome improvement for business travellers. Once fully implemented, they promise:

  • Faster Security Lines: No more decanting liquids into tiny bottles, streamlining the security process.
  • Convenience and Flexibility: Pack your regular-sized toiletries and keep laptops in your bags.
  • Enhanced Security: Advanced technology improves threat detection for a safer flying experience.

The road to smoother airport journeys might be bumpy for now, but business travellers can navigate the liquid limbo with careful planning and patience.

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